Sunday, December 28, 2008

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy...

While it doesn't seem fair that Josh already gets kicked off the top spot on the blog, I think he would even agree that his goddaughter was her own little star yesterday. I'll be sure to upload pictures of all of the kids in their homecoming attire but for now, this entry is dedicated to Francesca...

Getting ready to head to the armory...

Look how good Francesca is in her seat already...

After about a half hour of waiting the sitting-business got a little old, time to do a little dance...

Still waiting...maybe a story will make the time go by quicker...

OK this is getting a little long for a toddler...let's try a snack...

...pretzels, of course, make her thirsty (she saw other people using this machine too)...

...let's pick this one waaaay up here...

...reunited at last!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Gramma P. said...

Welcome Home, Josh !!! I'm happy you are back in the U.S. safe and healthy. For sure, this will be your Happiest New Year.
Enjoy...Francesca, TJ & Ella are adorable, aren't they? Happy New Year, JoAnn Pisciotti