Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

If I would have had a chance to get a Thanksgiving card out :), these were my options...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We are so grateful for our little blessings - Happy Thanksgiving (how sweet!)
From one bunch of turkeys to another - Happy Thanksgiving!!! (hee hee!!)
Do you like pie with your whip cream?!?!?!?
Some other Thanksgiving favorites...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Birthday - Two months old!!!!

Ella and TJ are two months old!!! Francesca and I sang happy birthday to them both (twice each) in the bath tub this morning. They still sleep more than they're awake during the day but we see their eyes and hear their cries a lot more than we did last month. They both continue to LOVE their swings and are starting to 'play' with some other toys more too - which of course means Francesca gets to enjoy some old favorites too.

Francesca had plenty of clothes to share with the twins from her infant days, so below I've attached a few pictures of her in them months ago and her brother and sister in them recently.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A bunch of updates...including our first trip to the ER

I'll start with the ER trip as I'm sure many of you are wondering if it was from Francesca jumping off our ottoman...her newest trick (Thanks to Hailey!). It wasn't. I woke up last week to find some drainage from TJ's ear. After a trip to the pediatrician's office, they sent us to the ER because (little did I know) they don't treat an ear infections in a 6-week old with oral antibiotic. So, we sat in an ER room from about 4pm until we were admitted at 2:30am. Do you know the kind of clientele an ER solicits at that time of was an interesting experience to say the least. My little man was a trooper though and after a couple of doses of IV antibiotics we got to go home the next afternoon. It took us all a day or so to catch up on rest, but everyone is feeling much better. Thanks to Gramma P. and David for taking good care of Francesca while we were gone.

It is good that everyone is doing better because we celebrated Daddy's birthday on the 15th. Francesca helped me make a cake (She dumped everything in and licked off the beaters). Thanks to Grammie and Grampie who came up that night to watch the kids so Mommy could take Daddy out to dinner, and then we came home to enjoy the cake. Happy Birthday is certainly one of Francesca's favorite songs (as a matter of fact she wanted me to sing it when she saw me posting the pics below). She especially loves to have it sung about we'll be practicing until her birthday rolls around in March!! The twins were 8 weeks old yesterday - where has the time gone!!! They are getting big and starting to coo and goo. I hear it all the time now (even from their swings or cribs) and just love the sound of their sweet little voices. We're also getting a lot more smiles (some of which I tried to capture in the pictures below). Francesca continues to be a fran-tastic big sister. She loves TJ and Ella. She loves to give them hugs and kisses and tries to share just about everything with them. Her vocabulary continues to expand everyday, and she loves to now take baths in mommy's big tub. We are very lucky to have such happy and (now) healthy kids and are excited for them to continue to play with and love each other.

OK, so not the best picture after they had all just woken up, but the three of them none the less!!
Francesca really did enjoy making the cake - despite me not being able to capture a smile.
Daddy blowing out his candles.
The next few capture Ella and TJ's 8-week antics.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Little Royalty

Aunt Darci and Uncle Josh bought these gowns for the twins for Halloween and they just love them! Don't they look like little boxers?!? We also took a quick trip to see Monica (and Aunt Michele and Uncle Garth). We had a nice visit. Monica is a sweet baby girl. Finally, I took some pictures of Ella and TJ after a bath one day...they are by far some of my favorites thus far! (Also, for those of you wondering, we had 52 trick-or-treaters this year - but I had to shut my light off for a bit to feed the twins right in the middle and probably missed some high traffic.)