Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Special Gifts

While the kids received many nice things for Christmas that have kept them quite busy through the winter months, I wanted to share a few pictures of some things that I don't know how we ever functioned without!

Our first attempt at making brownies with the "perfect brownie pan"!!!
DVD player for the Jeep - this is ingenious! All of the kids just love it :)

And what would we do without a foot long lollipop! I didn't get a picture but after they had their baths (after enjoying the treat), TJ found another piece of the sucker and went in Francesca's room and drooled it ALL OVER her white comforter - Thank you Forrest family :)
Just some winter fun!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Beginnings

After spending a special year with Gramma P., the twins began their new daycare (aka school) program on Monday, February 1. They are in a room with 2 other boys and 2 other girls and also have 2 teachers - as well as a really nice playground (toddler height) right off their room. The facility is also one of the few NYS certified 'green' programs. TJ and Ella seem to be adjusting fine - with the exception of missing some extra lovin' and extra snacks from Gramma. They are learning to eat and sleep when guided to (otherwise they miss the eat and sleep time!). They have each had a turn at crying when mommy leaves, so tomorrow I expect all smiles! We have been told it is the best place for their educational development, so I'm also expecting 'little einsteins' by age three. We are looking forward to watching them grow through this program and of course, thank Gramma for her extra special care!