We did not forget that the twins turned three months old on Christmas Eve. As a matter of fact, we sang happy birthday to them numerous times, however, because of the holidays we hadn't posted their 3-month photo. They continue to keep us busy and are changing every day. For the most part, they are very happy and adore their older sister. They also recently made the big transition to their cribs. They had been sleeping downstairs with me, and for the most part were sleeping in their swings. We were worried the transition was going to be tough because of the lack of motion. The first night they actually did rather well. Ella was a bit easier than TJ but even he settled in eventually. The second night they both got up twice but otherwise were very quiet. This is a pretty big accomplishment for us all!
Gosh - I don't know if I'm suppose to "comment" on my own blog...but I just can't stand the CUTENESS in this picture!!! I love you guys!!
I just have to agree w/ Mommy...3 mths. old and sooooo sweet. Mommy has captured another beautiful picture. Thanks to the twins for sharing their 3 mth. birthday on Christmas Eve w/ Gramma & family. We had a wonderful evening. Happy New Year 2009 to Diane, Brian, Francesca, TJ & Ella. I love you all, Gramma
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