Ice cream! Francesca LOVES ice cream. Here she is enjoying a black raspberry with gummie bears from Maggie Moo's at Eastview after having her 3 year portraits taken. What a special day for her!
Regardless of what TJ is eating, he loves to "finish" by dumping whatever he's eating all over his tray...or even better...his head. Today's special...ravioli!
For 2 weeks, I held him and comforted him in the hospital while he was sick; he didn't want anyone but his momma. But lately (and drastically), his best buddy is his daddy :) Too sweet!
Ella is definitely our most independent child. She loves to play on her own and not be bothered. I love that she can do her own thing most of the time and keep herself completely entertained.
In multiple trips to the mall(s), Francesca has become a pretty big Carousel fan. She can't wait to ride (usually more than once) and always takes her time in picking her favorite horse!

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