Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yankees, Yankees, Yankees (Happy Father's Day!)

We are lucky enough to be enjoying another successful season of Yankees baseball. In conjunction with celebrating Father's Day, we decided to buy Daddy Yankee gifts as well! His gift was filled with professional pictures of the kids dressed in their Yankee gear (snapshot pictures of the attire below), tickets to the Yankees/Red Sox game in August and some peanuts and cracker jack! While I know Brian will enjoy the tickets (our first trip to the new stadium), I know he appreciates the pictures just as much because he knows how difficult the studio experience can be for our three little ones. Gramma braved the adventure with me a few weeks before Father's Day, and we enjoyed spending the afternoon with her and of course, loved the end result. On Father's Day, we went to Grammy and Grampy's for a cook out. The kids loved being able to run freely in their yard and enjoyed their first slices of watermelon for the season. Daddy, we will always appreciate everything you do for us!!! We love you so much, Francesca, TJ and Ella

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Lovin'

We have been pretty busy this spring and early summer and can't believe it's almost July. The kids LOVE to be outside morning, noon and nights and we try our best to let them play out there as much as possible (despite the inherent challenges). Here are some of my favorites from our fun so far...


Where has the time gone? Since starting preschool, my babies became toddlers right before my eyes (although I still find myself calling them the babies!). Over the past few months, they graduated from their high chair to the kitchen table. They just LOVE it!

Easter Celebrations!

We celebrated Easter in a big way this year as everyone was finally healthy and up for visiting family! Here are some of my favorite pics from the weekend...





I'm a blogging delinquent...

It has been a busy few months (of course) and I haven't blogged as much as I wanted to (of course). But, my intention is to get caught up this week and try to blog weekly (ok, maybe I'm setting myself up for failure) throughout the summer. We're looking forward to spending some nice time with the kids and our summer is already full of plans and things to look forward to. For now, here are a few random pics of the kids and their favorite things to do :)

Ice cream! Francesca LOVES ice cream. Here she is enjoying a black raspberry with gummie bears from Maggie Moo's at Eastview after having her 3 year portraits taken. What a special day for her!

Regardless of what TJ is eating, he loves to "finish" by dumping whatever he's eating all over his tray...or even better...his head. Today's special...ravioli!

For 2 weeks, I held him and comforted him in the hospital while he was sick; he didn't want anyone but his momma. But lately (and drastically), his best buddy is his daddy :) Too sweet!

Ella is definitely our most independent child. She loves to play on her own and not be bothered. I love that she can do her own thing most of the time and keep herself completely entertained.

In multiple trips to the mall(s), Francesca has become a pretty big Carousel fan. She can't wait to ride (usually more than once) and always takes her time in picking her favorite horse!