What a year it has been already! We celebrated New Year's Eve with quite a bit of snow falling and therefore, we stayed in (ha! ...like we really were going to go out anyway!). For dessert, Francesca and Daddy decided we needed birthday cake to wish the "new year" a happy birthday (I think we started a new tradition)! Francesca picked out a candle for everyone (In case you were wondering, she was blue, daddy was green, mama was white, tj was yellow and ella was pink.) We then proceeded to sing happy birthday and blow out the candles at least three times. She also did quite a bit of her own sampling along the way. After cake, one by one we all tuckered out. TJ woke up around 11:15 to eat, and Brian and I stayed up to ring in the new year...even though TJ had fallen back asleep in my arms. At 11:58pm, a cry from upstairs reminded us that Francesca wanted to be a part of the countdown too (just like last year!). She wasn't up for long, but the good news is that it meant a three hour nap today with baby. What an angel!! We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2009!!

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