As promised, the sonogram pictures in the previous post from top to bottom were Baby B (Girl), Francesca (at 39 weeks), Baby A (Boy). While it's not the best image of Francesca, we do think that there is a resemblance in ultrasound images of the girls...we'll see soon enough!!
We hope to be sharing the big news by the middle of the week. Each day is becoming more and more challenging for me physically and therefore, we're taking relief in the fact that the end of the pregnancy is near. We are anticipating that I'll be induced on Wednesday if something doesn't happen before then, but we have a doctor's visit tomorrow and will certainly confirm all of those details then. We are ready for their arrival in many ways - including repotted plants :). Below, I snapped a few pictures of the new nursery - no decorations/pictures on the walls yet but ready just the same.

Boy oh boy, whoever repotted those plants should be nominated for "sister of the year"! :-) Just kidding. I have enjoyed being (bossed) around for the last few weeks as I have helped you prepare. I just can't wait to hold the little "butterballs" (thanks to Uncle Josh for that adjective) and to see Franny react to them. She is going to be such a great big sister.
Thanks for all you've done - and will continue to do. I remember when I had Francesca you gave me a card that said - of course - how excited you were for your new niece and how much you hoped that someday she'd be blessed with a sister to share her life with. We are so happy that day will soon be here - and with the added bonus of a beautiful baby brother :)
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