Today, as we celebrate my mom and dad's 35th wedding anniversary, I am so grateful for whatever brought them together as high school sweethearts :) I think about the memories we have shared as a family and the examples they have shown us all throughout the years. And I will tell you - they made it look easy (even when it wasn't).
In the past few months, it has been very busy and at times even stressful!! in our household and it had made me stop and wonder how my parents did it. Four of us separated by 8 years...all involved in sports and activities...all wanting different things and having competing priorities and most recently all getting married and having kids at the same time (their greatest joys). They always made us each feel special, and they always made each other a priority. They made it look easy.
Thankfully, for them we never really got in much trouble and have all gone on to marry great people and and have successful lives of our own. However, that didn't come without their fair share of aches and pains (Dustin!!) along the way. I could see the pride in my dad's eyes and hear it in his voice as he would tell people he had the best kids in the world. It made me proud to be one of them but it also encouraged me to be a better person for him and my mom. I knew everything they did was for their family. They made sacrifices and life changing decisions. They made it look easy.
As I look at Francesca, TJ and Ella, I wonder how is it possible that I even have enough love to provide to these three little miracles. My cup runneth over. More so, how will I have enough patience and guidance to walk that fine line between being both a parent and a friend. I hope when they get older they will appreciate Brian and I and the things we do for them. I hope they'll be strong and independent, yet generous and loving - traits my parents instilled in us from the beginning. They made it look easy.
Mom & Dad, Happy 35th Anniversary and thank you for everything you continue to do for our family :)